Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Hello again. Quite quiet this week, the only thing of note is that I hope to see Revolutions at the weekend. It might not be brilliant, but I'm sure it's worth a watch. Plus, big stompy robots versus flying machines - how can it fail? Luckily for me, I also miss five periods tomorrow, due to a Chemistry trip leading deep into the heart of war torn Belfast, to witness the launch of new chemical weapons. Or maybe a chemistry exhibition at the W5 science center - the teacher hasn't quite decided yet. I'm rereading a lot of my books, because I don't want to go and spend my money. I prefer to leave it sitting in the bank, generating whole pennies of interest.

Nothing other than the funeral really happened during the half term, though my cousin, who is doing some Multimedia design course at Uni, came up for some help with HTML. She lives in the Holy Land, so it wasn't far for her to come, though I feel that I wasn't much use. The only faintly interesting thing all week, actually, is my RE teacher getting annoyed when I wrote "Hello, this is God," in response to "What did God say on the transfiguration?" As if I care about RE - I'm happy enough with getting 52%, as I really don't care about it.

And so that brings me up to date.

Sunday, May 18, 2003

Finally finished downloading CoD, and completed it in less time than it took to download it. American campaign was good, but it went way downhill after. Also, I might be joining a band, playing bass, though I've never played it in my life. If I get a fairly cheap one, I might be able to manage it and a camera, provided I get money from my aunts. Despite not having a name, or a finalised member list, there's already politics in it, with one person not actually being wanted, others being worried about being kicked out, and me not being sure I'm even in it. The person who came up with the idea really hates me, but has never actually been able to give a proper reason why. Thankfully, though, everyone else in the band dislikes him, so hopefully he won't be in for long. If I'm definately in, he'll probably leave anyway.

Steffi, at swimming, has decided to become Christian, for some reason beyond me. Currently, however, all she seems to be doing is trying to cut down on swearing, but she'll get there. I quite enjoyed swimming yesterday, except for swimming with the weird parachiute thing. The coach, Andy, didn't like me landing on someone when I jumped in, however. Judo, however, was really dull and I was too tired to remember half of the stuff. Thankfully, we didn't do any proper fighting, as I really didn't have the energy to do it.